Unmetered Services (UM) Process

The UM process is initiated by customers that require single-phase bundled electric service to operate devices that might be mounted on existing Utility facilities, or other facilities approved by the Utility and are unmetered.  The equipment can be mounted on an SDG&E pole (per prior approval), a municipality streetlight, and a customer-owned fused service pole. Minimum amp/fuse is 3/4 and maximum amp/fuse is 30. 

Unmetered Services

Schedule UM-Unmetered Electric Service


Applicable to unmetered service of industries that require single-phase bundled electric service to operate devices that may be mounted on existing Utility facilities, or other facilities approved by the Utility and are unmetered.   Where the Utility determines it is impractical to provide single-phase service under this Schedule, three-phase service will be provided. Customers must execute a contract with the Utility for service under this Schedule and must execute a Pole Attachment Agreement when devices are attached to Utility-owned facilities. 


The entire territory is served based on permission and approvals from the local jurisdictions that is being requested. 

Schedule UM Rates

General Metering Requirements, Low Voltage and High Voltage Services
Unmetered Services (Pages 90-95; 691.6 – 691.11) 

Service Standards & Projects Department Contact for UM Application Questions:

April Brown at UMSubmittals@sdge.com Unmetered Services – Process Steps 

UM Projects = New Submittal, Redesign/Resubmittal, Fuse Upgrade/Downgrade, and Expired Service Order

  • Service Standards & Projects Intake– Responsible for the intake and processing of all UM submittal requests.
  • Service Standards & Projects – Once processed, distributes to the appropriate districts or Design & Project Management (DPM).
  • Districts or Design & Project Management (DPM) - Responsible for and manages the submittal requests for the UM sites until completion of the jobs. 
  • Districts or Design & Project Management (DPM) - Provides statues and all job-related details for the requested UM submittal.
  • Communication Infrastructure Providers (CIP) to contact the Districts or Design & Project Management (DPM) directly for all statues or questions related to their UM jobs.
  • Communication Infrastructure Providers CIPS to contact Service Standards & Projects for all UM application or intake process-related  questions.
  • PLEASE NOTE:  All necessary forms, CPUC filed UM UM Application & Contract, sample designs, plaque requirements, Compliance Management Group, etc. are listed below and downloadable for your convenience.

If you are a 3rd Party vendor (submitting on behalf of a cell carrier) you must first submit a completed 3rd Party Authorization form to SDG&E Service Standards & Projects at UMSubmittals@sdge.com for review and approval.  This form must include the SDG&E Fused Service/Unmetered account number for the township/city you will be submitting on behalf of for the cell carrier or the request will be rejected. The SDG&E Fused Service/Unmetered account number is obtained from your prospective cell carrier.   Due to confidentiality of our customers, SDG&E does not provide these account numbers to 3rd Party vendors.   PLEASE NOTE:  Fused Service/ Unmetered account numbers are not the same as a regular account number – they are unique and used for Unmetered cell device accounts ONLY.  Once this form is approved, you may then submit UM applications on behalf of the cell carrier/customer to SDG&E.  

3rd Party Authorization – Authorization to Receive Customer Information or Act on a Customer’s Behalf Form

Attachment to a City-Owned Street Light

  • Contact the appropriate Authority Having Jurisdiction (AHJ) for approval prior to submitting your UM application to SDG&E.

Process for the Unmetered (UM) Application Requests

  • Complete the two (2) page Application and Contract for Unmetered Service for Schedule UM Unmetered Service Request (Form 155-100 (03-18)) for each site location. One UM address/location per each application. 
  • Application and Contract for Unmetered Service must be signed (digitally signed is acceptable) and dated with a current date (past dates will be rejected). 
  • Designs with the power source listed for each proposed site location must be included.
  • The power source listed on the Application and Contract must match what is listed on the UM design. 
  • The Application and Contract for Unmetered Service for Schedule UM Unmetered Service Request (Form 155-100 (03-18)) must have the Communication Infrastructure Providers (CIP) customer account number included on each submittal. If the CIP does not have this account number for the township they are submitting, they must request a fused account to be established at UMSubmittals.com prior to submitting their UM submittal requests. Please Note: Fused accounts are different than regular account numbers – fused accounts are specifically for Unmetered sites.
  • Submit both the two (2) page Application and Contract for Unmetered Service for Schedule UM Unmetered Service Request (Form 155-100 (03-18)) and designs for the proposed site locations to the Service Standards & Projects department using our online method at:

    UMSubmittals@sdge.comAll submittal attachments must be submitted in a compatible and appropriate format.

Process for the Unmetered (UM) Redesign/Resubmittal Application Requests

  • Provide a cover sheet for each Redesign/Resubmittal application request along with the two (2) page Application and Contract for Unmetered Service for Schedule UM Unmetered Service Request (Form 155-100  (03-18)) and designs for each proposed site location.  Each resubmittal location must include the following on the cover sheet:
    • Redesign and/or Resubmittal for each UM application
    • Resubmittal reasons (i.e. new design, new power source, new address, with explanation)
    • New address and previous address
    • STOM UM ID number
  • All UM Redesign/Resubmittals are subject to a redesign fee

Process for the Unmetered (UM) Expired Service Order Requests

If there are no changes to your expired service order submit your request directly to the district or DPM.  Do not submit your request to Service Standards & Projects.  

  • Exceptions are the following:  address change and/or fuse size change.  These requests must be submitted directly to the Service Standards & Projects queue at UMSubmittals@sdge.com  for processing with the required attachments listed below:
    • Cover sheet for each Redesign/Resubmittal application
    •  Redesign and/or Resubmittal for each UM application
    • Resubmittal reasons (expired service order)
    • New address and previous address
    • STOM UM ID number
    • Expired and/or previous service order must be included
  • All UM Redesign/Resubmittals are subject to a redesign fee

Attachment to an SDG&E Distribution Pole/Street Light

SDG&E Pole Attachment Policy and Procedures (Compliance Management Group):

Carlos Castro at 858-654-8216


  • Complete the Pole Attachment Approval form and submit to the Compliance Management Group at SDG&E for approval at:

    San Diego Gas & Electric Company
    Attn: Compliance Management Group
    8315 Century Park Court, CP22C
    San Diego, CA  92123

Once approval from the Compliance Management Group has been given to the customer for their SDG&E pole attachment, submit the following to the Service Standards & Projects department at SDG&E:

  • Approval & specification documentation package from the Compliance Management Group
  • The two (2) page Application and Contract for Unmetered Service for Schedule UM Unmetered Service Request (Form 155-100 (03-18)) and designs for the proposed site locations (SDG&E pole approval from the Compliance Management Group must be given and included with each submittal, or request will not be accepted). 
  • Pole calculations
  • Designs for each proposed site location must be included. Submit to the Service Standards & Projects department using our online method at:

     UMSubmittals@sdge.comAll submittal attachments must submitted in a compatible and appropriate format.   

Application and Contract for Unmetered Service for Schedule UM (Form 155-100 (03-18))
Application and Contract for Unmetered Service for Schedule UM (Form 155-100 (03-18))
397.73 KB
Unmetered (UM) Electric Service from an Overhead Source (SG 524.1-524.3)
Unmetered (UM) Electric Service from an Overhead Source (SG 524.1-524.3)
374.35 KB
Unmetered (UM) Electric Service from an Underground Source (SG 524.4)
Unmetered (UM) Electric Service from an Underground Source (SG 524.4)
148.18 KB
Unmetered (UM) Electric Service Plaque Requirements (SG 524.5)
Unmetered (UM) Electric Service Plaque Requirements (SG 524.5)
541.60 KB
Unmetered (UM) Electric Service on a Customer-Owned Fused Service Pole (SG 524.56-524.7)
Unmetered (UM) Electric Service on a Customer-Owned Fused Service Pole (SG 524.56-524.7)
588.27 KB
Unmetered (UM) Electric Service on an SDG&E-Owned Street Light Pole (SG 524.8-524.10)
Unmetered (UM) Electric Service on an SDG&E-Owned Street Light Pole (SG 524.8-524.10)
508.97 KB
SAMPLE Unmetered (UM) Design from an Overhead Source to an Underground Source
SAMPLE Unmetered (UM) Design from an Overhead Source to an Underground Source
Fuse Size Change Request - Downgrade:  Submit to UMSubmittals@sdge.com
  • Authority Having Jurisdiction (AHJ) inspections are not required.
  • Submit a new Unmetered Fuse Size Change Request and Contract (Form 155-100 (03-18)) for each township/account and each site location. 
  • Submit a copy of the original UM application for each requested fuse size change location. 
  • Submit the previous service order.
  • Submit photos of the plaques with the STOM UM ID clearly displayed.
  • If the original source has changed (e.g., streetlight source to an SDG&E source) this is considered a redesign and will be subject to a redesign fee.  This information must be included in the fuse request submittal.
  • Fusing request will be sent to the applicable District Service Order department for follow up with the customer.
Fuse Size Change Request - Upgrade:   Submit to UMSubmittals@sdge.com
  • Authority Having Jurisdiction (AHJ) inspection is required to verify fuse upgrade is feasible on their streetlighting system.  
  • Submit a new Unmetered Fuse Size Change Request and Contract (Form 155-100 (03-18)) each township/account and each site location. 
  • Submit a copy of the original UM application for each requested fuse size change location. (This will ensure that the wire size for the existing street lighting system is able to sufficiently handle the upsizing of the fuses.)
  • Submit previous service order.
  • Submit photos of the plaques with the STOM UM ID clearly displayed.
  • If the original source has changed (e.g., streetlight source to an SDG&E source) this is considered a redesign and will be subject to a redesign fee.  This information must be included in the fuse request submittal.
  • Fusing requests will be sent to the applicable District Service Order department for follow up with the customer.
  • SDG&E New Service department receives Inspection Release and notifies appropriate departments.   The Service Order department will follow up with the customer.

SDG&E SOT Teams - Districts- Metro, Eastern, Beach Cities, Northeast, Northcoast, & Orange County




(619) 230-7800


(619) 441-3969


(858) 581-7544


(760) 480-7745


(760) 476-5621


(949) 361-8066


SDG&E Design & Project Management Teams - Metro, Northern, Orange County







(858) 636-6805



(760) 480-7603



(949) 361-8028
