2012 Resource Adequacy Solicitation

SDG&E is issuing this Request for Bids (RFB) to solicit bids for Local San Diego RA, Local LA Basin RA, System RA or Local-for-System swaps. By responding, Respondents are bound by the terms of this RFB.

Proposals may be for one or more of the following alternatives

  • Product 1: San Diego Local RA for Calendar 2012

  • Product 2: LA Basin Local RA for Calendar 2012

  • Product 3: Calendar 2012 San Diego Local for Q3 2012 System Swap

  • Product 4: Calendar 2012 LA Basin Local for Q3 2012 System Swap

  • Product 5: System RA for 2012

Solicitation Documents

Respondents may submit one or more bids to this solicitation by submitting the forms listed below. Forms are available on the RFB Website. The failure to provide the listed information may result in the proposal being deemed non-conforming and may disqualify the proposal from further consideration.

46.00 KB
Bid template
Bid template
63.50 KB
RFB Details
RFB Details
115.50 KB
Confirmation Template
Confirmation Template

RFB Communication

All questions or other communications regarding this RFB should be submitted via e-mail to RFB@sdge.com. All questions and answers will be posted on this website anonymously within 2 business days of receipt. Respondents are encouraged to check this RFB Website periodically for updates, notices, and postings.

RFB Announcements

Please check this website periodically as SDG&E will post all solicitation announcements, including scheduling changes or RFB amendments.

Submitting Bids

All bids must be emailed to rfo@sdge.com by September 23, 2011, 5pm PST. Please note that no late bids will be accepted.

Questions and Answers

There are no questions at this time.

To be added to future RFO distribution lists, please email your interest to rfb@sdge.com.

RFB Schedule

No. Item Date
1. SDG&E issues Request for Bids (“RFB”) September 16
2. Deadline for Participants to submit Bids September 23
3. Sep 27 SDG&E selects Short List September 27
4. SDG&E negotiates draft confirms October 4
5. SDG&E executes RA contracts October 21
6. 2012 Annual RA showing filing deadline October 31