How much is your inefficient equipment costing you?

Upgrade outdated equipment with 0% interest.


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On-Bill Financing

Energy efficiency upgrades are a great way to lower your energy use, reduce monthly bills and help the environment. We provide loans for qualified upgrades, and you pay the loan – interest-free – through a line item on your monthly utility bill.

On-Bill Financing works in conjunction with our rebate and incentive programs and offers eligible customers zero-percent financing for qualifying facility improvements. Financing is available to fund upgrades such as:

LED Lighting

LED Lighting

Refrigeration products

Refrigeration products

HVAC products

Food Service Equipment

Food Service Equipment

Ozone Laundry Systems

Ozone Laundry Systems

Water Heaters

Water Heaters

Waste water recycling treatment, Pump Overhaul, Energy Management systems and more.


Sample Loan

Project cost


Rebate/incentive amount


Loan amount


*Estimated annual savings for new equipment


Simple payback period

2.56 years

On-Bill Financing loan installment

(2.56 years + 1 month)


Learn How Our On-Bill Financing Program is Helping Small Business

Patty Ungar DVM, CVA/Owner Kensington Veterinary Hospital, needed a new HVAC System but the purchase could negatively impact her business's bottom line. SDG&E incentives defrayed 25% of the cost of her new HVAC! Patty financed the remaining 75% of the cost through SDG&E’s On-Bill Financing Program, paying the loan off with 0% interest in 55 installments.

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How to Apply in 4 Easy Steps

Step 1: Check Eligibility - Save time and find out if you're eligible for On-Bill Financing before you apply.

Step 2: Verify Measures – Financing is only available for energy efficiency upgrades that qualify through  rebate or incentive programs. Learn more about our current rebates and incentives.

Step 3: Confirm Trade Professional status – Check to see if your contractor is a part of our Trade Professional Program. If you need a contractor, search our directory here.

Step 4: Complete Application & Energy Savings Workbook

Contact Information

Contact our Energy Savings Center at 1-800-644-6133 or email us at

The selection, purchase, and ownership of goods and services are the responsibility of the customer. SDG&E makes no representations as to the safety or reliability of goods and services selected. SDG&E makes no warranty, whether express or implied, including warranty of merchantability or fitness for any particular purpose, use or application of selected goods and services. No endorsement is intended or should be inferred. This program is funded by California utility customers and administered by SDG&E under the auspices of the California Public Utilities Commission. Program funds are provided on a first-come, first-served basis until program funds are no longer available. This program may be modified or terminated without advance notice.