powerlines at sunset

Becoming an SDG&E Energy Service Provider

We provide this information to assist electric suppliers who are interested in providing services in SDG&E’s service territory.

For Electric Service Providers

Overview of Requirements

Service agreement

ESPs that plan to provide Direct Access services in SDG&E’s service territory must enter into an ESP Service Agreement with SDG&E that defines terms and conditions under which an ESP can provide Direct Access services.

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Direct Access Service Agreement
Direct Access Service Agreement

Credit worthiness

Service providers will demonstrate their credit worthiness by one of the following methods.

  • Credit evaluation - ESPs will have their credit evaluated and current credit rating of Baa2 or higher from Moody’s, BBB, Standard and Poor’s, Fitch, or Duff & Phelps.

  • Security deposit - The ESP may submit and maintain a cost-based security deposit in lieu of submitting to or being qualified under a creditworthiness evaluation.

Community Choice Aggregation

Community Choice Aggregation (CCA) is a program that permits cities, counties, and other authorized entities, called Community Choice Aggregators to purchase and/or generate electricity for residents and businesses located within the boundaries of their jurisdiction.  

The California Public Utilities Commission established the following set of rules and tariffs that govern the relationship between San Diego Gas & Electric and Community Choice Aggregators.

Community Choice Aggregation Rule
Community Choice Aggregation Rule
Community Choice Aggregation Open Season
Community Choice Aggregation Open Season
Transportation of Electric Power for Community Choice Aggregation Customer
Transportation of Electric Power for Community Choice Aggregation Customer
Community Choice Aggregation Cost Responsibility Surcharge
Community Choice Aggregation Cost Responsibility Surcharge
Information Release to Community Choice Aggregator
Information Release to Community Choice Aggregator
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Frequently asked questions about San Diego Gas & Electric and community choice aggregation
Frequently asked questions about San Diego Gas & Electric and community choice aggregation
Aggregated energy efficiency programs participation data already tracked and as reported to the Commission
Aggregated energy efficiency programs participation data already tracked and as reported to the Commission

SDG&E Quarterly and Annual Shareholder Funding Report

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Q1 2017 – SDGE Quarterly IMD Funding Report
Q1 2017 – SDGE Quarterly IMD Funding Report
119.49 KB
Q2 2017 – SDGE Quarterly IMD Funding Report
Q2 2017 – SDGE Quarterly IMD Funding Report
128.82 KB
Q3 2017 – SDGE Quarterly IMD Funding Report
Q3 2017 – SDGE Quarterly IMD Funding Report
128.96 KB
Q4 2017 – SDGE Quarterly IMD Funding Report
Q4 2017 – SDGE Quarterly IMD Funding Report
129.67 KB
Q1 2018 – SDGE Quarterly IMD Funding Report
Q1 2018 – SDGE Quarterly IMD Funding Report
129.88 KB
Q2 2018 – SDGE Quarterly IMD Funding Report
Q2 2018 – SDGE Quarterly IMD Funding Report
266.96 KB
Q3 2018 – SDGE Quarterly IMD Funding Report
Q3 2018 – SDGE Quarterly IMD Funding Report
267.22 KB
Q4 2018 - SDG&E Quarterly IMD Funding Report
Q4 2018 - SDG&E Quarterly IMD Funding Report
127.51 KB
SDG&E 2017 Independent Marketing Division Annual Shareholder Funding Report
SDG&E 2017 Independent Marketing Division Annual Shareholder Funding Report
263.38 KB
SDG&E 2018 Independent Marketing Division Annual Shareholder Funding Report
SDG&E 2018 Independent Marketing Division Annual Shareholder Funding Report

For Gas Service Providers

For information about becoming an Gas Service Provider and being included on our list of Core Gas Service Providers or Noncore Gas Service Providers, please contact ESPAdmin@sdge.com.

For information about access to SoCalGas Envoy electronic bulletin board, please visit Envoy.

More Information

Email Customer Choice at ESPAdmin@sdge.com about becoming an Energy Service Provider.