Developer Marketing Requirements and Review Process

Developers wishing to participate in this program may begin creating EcoShare marketing and outreach materials in an effort to build community interest and identify interested customers. Before reaching out to customers, both the following SDG&E and Green-e Energy marketing requirements must be met:

EcoShare SDG&E Marketing Review

All materials produced by participating developers (including websites) must be reviewed by SDG&E prior to use or publication. Materials for review should be sent to

Please allow 30 days for the review process.

Additionally, developers must include a completed Marketing Attestation (pdf) with their first submission of marketing materials.

Green-e Energy Certification

Under SB43, SDG&E’s EcoShare program is required to be Green-e Energy certified as administered by the nonprofit Center for Resource Solutions. Green-e Energy is North America’s leading voluntary certification program for renewable energy. Since 1997, Green-e Energy has certified renewable energy that meets environmental and consumer protection standards that it developed in conjunction with leading environmental, energy and policy organizations.

Green-e Energy requires that sellers of certified renewable energy disclose clear and useful information to potential customers, allowing consumers to make informed choices. Green-e Energy Certification provides consumers with assurance that the product sold under the EcoShare meets the Green-e Energy National Standard, is not double counted, and is marketed in a clear and accurate way to customers.

Maintaining Green-e Energy certification for EcoShare will be handled by SDG&E, but it is the responsibility of participating developers to comply with applicable Green-e Energy requirements.

For more information on SDG&E and Green-e Energy marketing requirements, expand the sections below:

Under the California Enhanced Community Renewables program, renewable energy project developers take on the responsibility for marketing their renewable energy project(s) directly to customers, and as such agree to comply with Green-e Energy environmental and consumer protection standards. This compliance includes following Green-e Energy guidelines on all product marketing and an obligation to provide the end use customer with accurate and sufficient disclosures regarding the project(s).

For more information on Green-e Energy developer requirements under SB43, please visit Green-e Energy. These requirements must be satisfied to participate in EcoShare, and are summarized below:

  • Create draft marketing language in compliance with the requirements
  • Submit all marketing materials to SDG&E for review, including proposed webpage(s)
  • Receive confirmation that SDG&E has pre-screened marketing materials prior to marketing implementation
  • Submit a Green-e Energy Tracking System attestation for each renewable energy facility. Developer will complete, sign and return the Green-e Energy Tracking Attestation for Electricity and RECs. This is a recurring obligation, and more information is located at
  • Annually procure any Host Attestations as required by Green-e Energy
  • Distribute Welcome Packets to all customers within 60 days of signed Customer-Developer Agreement and at re-enrollment
  • Submit marketing materials for prescreening or review, if requested by SDG&E or Green-e Energy
  • Adhere to any Green-e Energy or SDG&E requested changes and customer disclosures within 30 days

For additional information, visit Green-e Energy’s developer facing page at

The following guidelines describe SDG&E specific requirements for EcoShare developers wishing to use the SDG&E logo.

  • Materials must be branded as those of the developer.
  • The SDG&E logo and name may be used only as described below:
  • Use of the SDG&E Name/Logo on Printed and Electronic Materials

    The SDG&E logo and/or name may be used by participating solar providers in printed and electronic promotional materials. When using the logo, it must be accompanied with the following approved promotional and disclaimer language statements.

    Promotional Language Statement for Printed and Electronic Material

    Example of minimum size, 8 pt. font:

    SDG&E LogoAs part of SDG&E's ongoing commitment to providing sustainable energy, SDG&E® has introduced a third party community solar program, EcoShareSM, that expands access to solar energy for our customers. Customers work directly with a participating solar provider to acquire rights to a portion of a local solar project and receive an SDG&E bill credit for the value of the solar power their portion generates. 
    Program eligibility requirements apply.

    The approved wording and logo may not be altered. The statement must not appear smaller than 8 pt. type using Verdana font.  When space permits, the SDG&E logo and wording should be surrounded by a ruled box using a 1/2 pt. line weight. The SDG&E logo must have clear space between the outermost logo components and all surrounding elements, including text message and the ruled box as shown in the example above. All text and logo elements should appear on the same background tone as the surrounding content, in solid black against light backgrounds or reversed out as white against dark backgrounds. When using white text, font weight may need to be increased to ensure legibility. Only logo files provided by SDG&E should be used for reproduction purposes. Logo identity guidelines will also be provided to bidders as part of the RFO process.

    Disclaimer Language for Printed and Electronic Materials

    Disclaimer language may not be changed and must be displayed in its entirety. Type size should be no less than 8 point. For large format promotional materials (signage, billboards, etc.) the disclaimer language should be proportionately increased.  The required language shall be:

    “SDG&E does not recommend, endorse, favor, guarantee or make any representations or warranties regarding the services, work, quality, financial stability or performance of any participating solar provider or its project. SDG&E is not responsible for the content of any materials, contracts or agreements created by any solar provider for use under this program, and disclaim all responsibility and liability therefore. Customers wishing to participate in this program are solely responsible for reviewing the feasibility of the participating projects, understanding the terms and conditions of any contract or agreement required to be signed by a solar provider, and verifying the qualifications, licensing, pricing, energy savings and warranties provided by their chosen solar provider.“

    Modified Disclaimer Language

    If the printed or electronic promotional materials are too small to include the complete disclaimer language, at a minimum the following language must be used:

    “SDG&E does not recommend, endorse or warrant any participating solar provider or its project. Refer to participating solar provider website for program terms and conditions.”

    1. Use of the SDG&E Name/Logo on Contractor Website

      A participating EcoShare contractor may include the program statement shown below on its website (within the context of the specific program information), provided the language includes a “Utility Disclaimer” hyperlink to the disclaimer language.  The SDG&E logo may ONLY be used on a participating EcoShare contractor web page if the logo is accompanied by the program statement and the “Utility Disclaimer” hyperlink.

      Promotional Language Statement for Developer Website

      Example of minimum size, 8 pt. font:

      As part of SDG&E's ongoing commitment to providing sustainable energy, SDG&E® has introduced a third party community solar program, EcoShareSM, that expands access to solar energy for our customers. Customers work directly with a participating solar provider to acquire rights to a portion of a local solar project and receive an SDG&E bill credit for the value of the solar power their portion generates. Program eligibility requirements apply. Utility Disclaimer

      Utility Disclaimer

      “Reference herein to any specific information regarding San Diego Gas & Electric Company (SDG&E®) or any commercial products or services by trade name, trademark, manufacturer or otherwise, does not constitute or imply its endorsement, recommendation or favoring by SDG&E. SDG&E will not be held liable in connection with any of [Contractor name]’s activities. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, SDG&E does not represent or warrant the accuracy or reliability of any of the information, content or advertisements contained on, distributed through, or linked, downloaded or accessed from this website other than the information contained on SDG&E’s website. SDG&E does not recommend, endorse, favor, guarantee or make any representations or warranties regarding the services, work, quality, financial stability, legal compliance or performance of any participating solar provider or its project. SDG&E is not responsible for the content of any materials, contracts or agreements created by any solar provider for use under this program, and disclaims all responsibility and liability therefor. Customers wishing to participate in this program are solely responsible for reviewing the feasibility of the participating projects, understanding the terms and conditions of any contract or agreement required to be signed by a solar provider, and verifying the qualifications, licensing, pricing, legal compliance, energy savings, representations and warranties provided by their chosen solar provider.“

SDG&E has no responsibility for, and disclaims all liability that may arise from, marketing materials produced by any participating developer with respect to state or federal securities laws, unfair competition laws, or tax law compliance. Developer is solely responsible for ensuring that its marketing materials are compliant with all such laws.