Partnership Pilot

SDG&E customers can partner with an aggregator to provide Distributed Energy Resources (DER) as part of the new Partnership Pilot. Becoming a part of this pilot can contribute to a cleaner environment while also helping avoid or defer costly electrical grid equipment upgrades.

Partnership Pilot


Partnership Pilot

The Partnership Pilot has been discontinued and is no longer accepting participants or applications. Effective June 21, 2024, the California Public Utilities Commission suspended the Partnership Pilot.

How It Worked

The Partnership Pilot gave SDG&E customers the opportunity to enroll their planned Distributed Energy Resources such as rooftop solar, battery storage, gas-fired turbines, load reduction measures or other technologies with approved aggregators.  

These sources of energy generation and load management allow the electrical grid to work efficiently and improve reliability (especially during peak periods). Customers that currently have or are planning to add DERs can be aggregated, on certain distribution circuits, to provide power that allows the utility to defer the construction of costly equipment upgrades.

How to Apply: Aggregators

The Partnership Pilot has been discontinued and is no longer accepting participants or applications.