Your Charges Explained

My Energy Center is here to help explain the charges on your energy bill. Your Charges Explained provides definitions for the charges in your Bill Breakdown and describes how they are calculated.

The charges that make up your bill vary by account so not all of these definitions apply to your account. Please refer to the ones displayed on your My Energy Center homepage.

SDCP Electric Generation Education Tile image

SDCP Electric Generation

Your monthly bill includes your electric generation charges from San Diego Community Power (SDCP). SDCP is your Community Choice Aggregator (CCA) who is responsible for purchasing or generating your electricity. CCAs are public entities created and formed by local governments who procure electricity for their communities.

How does your billing work?
  • As a customer of SDCP, your electric generation charges are calculated by SDCP based on how much electricity you use at your home or business.
  • Then, SDCP provides your electric generation charges to SDG&E, who handles the overall billing.

If you have questions about your electric generation charges, please contact SDCP at 1-888-382-0169.

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CEA Electric Generation Education Tile image

CEA Electric Generation

Your monthly bill includes your electric generation charges from Clean Energy Alliance (CEA). CEA is your Community Choice Aggregator (CCA) who is responsible for purchasing or generating your electricity. CCAs are public entities created and formed by local governments who procure electricity for their communities.

How does your billing work?
  • As a customer of CEA, your electric generation charges are calculated by CEA based on how much electricity you use at your home or business.
  • Then, CEA provides your electric generation charges to SDG&E, who handles the overall billing.

If you have questions about your electric generation charges, please contact CEA at 1-833-232-3110.

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ESP Electric Generation Education Tile image

ESP Electric Generation

Energy Service Provider (ESP) purchases your electricity based on your participation in the Direct Access program. As an ESP customer, your provider is responsible for calculating your electric generation charges based on how much electricity you use in your home or business.

Depending how your ESP works, you may receive one or two bills:

  • One combined: One bill from SDG&E with both ESP generation and SDG&E delivery charges. SDG&E handles the overall billing.
  • Two bills: Two separate bills, one from your ESP for generation charges and one from SDG&E, where each handle their respective billing. 

If you have questions about your generation charges, please contact your ESP.

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SDG&E Electric Delivery

SDG&E Electric Delivery

Your monthly bill includes your electric delivery charges from San Diego Gas & Electric (SDG&E). SDG&E is responsible for safely and reliably delivering electricity to your home or business.

SDG&E also provides a variety of energy and support services including:

  • Customer care services
  • Public safety programs
  • Modernizing and maintaining the grid
  • Billing services

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SDG&E Electric Delivery & Gas Service

SDG&E Electric Delivery & Gas Service

Your monthly bill includes your electric delivery and overall gas service charges from San Diego Gas & Electric (SDG&E). Your SDG&E charges include the cost of:

  • Safe and reliable delivery of electricity to your home or business
  • Procuring natural gas and delivering it to your home or business

SDG&E also provides a variety of energy and support services including:

  • Customer care services
  • Public safety programs
  • Modernizing and maintaining the grid
  • Maintaining gas lines and safety
  • Billing services

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SDG&E Electric Service

SDG&E Electric Service

Your monthly bill includes electric service charges from San Diego Gas & Electric (SDG&E). SDG&E is responsible for:

  • Purchasing or generating your electricity
  • Delivering electricity to your home or business

SDG&E also provides a variety of energy and support services including:

  • Customer care services
  • Public safety programs
  • Modernizing and maintaining the grid
  • Billing services

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SDG&E Electric & Gas Service

SDG&E Electric & Gas Services

Your monthly bill includes charges for electric and gas services from San Diego Gas & Electric (SDG&E).

SDG&E is responsible for:

  • Purchasing or generating electricity
  • Delivering electricity to your home or business
  • Procuring natural gas and delivering it to your home or business

SDG&E also provides a variety of energy and support services including:

  • Customer care services
  • Public safety programs
  • Modernizing and maintaining the grid
  • Maintaining gas lines and safety
  • Billing services

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Gas Service

SDG&E Gas Services

Your monthly bill includes gas service charges from San Diego Gas & Electric (SDG&E). Your SDG&E charges cover the costs of

  • Procuring natural gas
  • Delivering it to your home or business.

SDG&E also provides a variety of energy and support services including:

  • Customer care services
  • Public safety programs
  • Maintaining gas lines and safety
  • Billing services

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State fees taxes, other

State Fees, Taxes, & Other

Your monthly bill includes charges collected by SDG&E on behalf of local and state government, including:

  • City and state taxes
  • City franchise and state fees
  • State-mandated Public Purpose Programs like energy efficiency programs
  • Wildfire Fund