MCAS Miramar Pipeline
Replacement Project

MCAS Miramar P2010
MCAS Miramar


SDG&E is coordinating with Marine Corps Air Station (MCAS) Miramar to replace an existing natural gas pipeline along Kearny Villa Road (Line 1600 Marine Corps Air Station Miramar Pipeline Replacement Project). The Line 1600 Project will replace and reroute about 3.2 miles of existing 16-inch-diameter pipe with about 3.3 miles of new 16-inch-diamter pipe in a new alignment following Kearny Villa Road.  This 16-inch-diameter natural gas transmission pipeline traverses and also serves MCAS Miramar.  The Project involves placement of new 16-inch-diameter pipe, hydrostatic testing, installing fiber optic cable for pipeline monitoring, grout filling portions of the existing pipeline prior to abandonment in place, installing pressure-regulating stations, pipeline tie-overs, associated four-inch-diameter distribution pipeline, about 1,100 feet of new access road, and temporary use of three laydown yards.

The pipeline will be installed approximately 42 inches below the ground surface using conventional trenching methods for cross-country and urban areas. An approximately three-foot-wide and six-foot-deep trench will be excavated to install the new pipe and cathodic protection features. One section of pipe crossing San Clemente Canyon will use trenchless technology to reduce impacts to the natural waterway. The northernmost portion of the tie-over to Meter Set 967 and a small portion of one laydown yard will be non-federal land along or within public roadways.  

Other anticipated work associated with the replacement sections includes gas line shutdowns, abandonment of the existing pipe, backfilling the trenches with engineered fill, and site restoration.  An approximately three-foot-wide and six-foot-deep trench will be excavated to install the new pipe.  Work areas for the replacement section will occur within the road ROW, temporary construction easements within MCAS Miramar, and laydown yards.  The Proposed Project is expected to take approximately four to eight months to complete and is scheduled to begin in mid-2023.  

Project Map

Historic Properties

MCAS Miramar was first developed as two small farming communities Linda Vista in 1886 and Miramar in 1890. In the 1920’s, military development displacing most of the early community. In the early 1940’s, the general project area was occupied by the World War II Camp Elliott, but today only broken foundations remain. Areas affected by this Line 1600 Project were intensely used for military training during the past century, including weapons and artillery firing.  Additionally, Kearny Villa Road was previously part of Highway 395 before Interstate 15 was constructed.

The project area has been previously surveyed to identify cultural resources. Approximately 197 previous studies have taken place within one mile of the area of potential effects. The project area has been adequately surveyed. A cultural resource record search done for this undertaking identified three cultural resources within the project’s area of potential effects. The three sites include WWII Camp Elliott (P-37-013814), Brick and Concrete Foundations (P-37-009129), and Highway 395 (P-37-033557). P-37-013814 and P-37-009129 were previously evaluated as not eligible for the National Register of Historic Places. Lastly, P-37-033557 (Highway 395) was previously evaluated and recommended eligible for the NRHP. As such, no historic properties will be adversely impacted by the undertaking.

MCAS Miramar is currently reviewing SDG&E’s Project. SDG&E is posting this information to inform the public and provide them with an opportunity to comment on the undertaking and its potential to effect historic properties under 36 CFR Section 800.2(d) and Section 800.3(e).  Information regarding the existence of historic properties at the project sites is requested. If you would like to make a comment or provide information on the project or historic properties, please submit your comment by e-mail to Ms. Shannon Foglia at and Mr. David Boyer at, or to the following address:

PO BOX 452509
SAN DIEGO, CA 92145-2509