Pipeline Safety & Reliability Project Proposal and Documents

Project Documents

Project Timeline

SDG&E will coordinate and collaborate with residents, businesses, local government agencies, and others to provide information and gather input about our proposed new natural gas transmission pipeline. We’re committed to keeping communities informed about the project throughout the CPUC’s review process and during construction. Here’s the anticipated timeline:

  • Fall 2015 – Submit project application to the CPUC
  • 2015 – 2019 – CPUC review
  • 2019 – CPUC approval
  • 2020 – Begin construction
  • 2022 – Pipeline goes into service and Line 1600 derated

CPUC Application and Proponent’s Environmental Assessment (PEA)

CPUC Notice of Preparation


Q: What is the Pipeline Safety & Reliability Project? 

A: SDG&E is proposing a new, natural gas transmission pipeline to enhance safety and reliability for our customers in the San Diego region. The proposed natural gas transmission pipeline would start at SDG&E’s existing Rainbow Metering Station and continue south near the I-15 corridor for approximately 47 miles and tie-in with an existing pipeline on Marine Corps Air Station (MCAS) Miramar.  

Q: Why is this proposed pipeline needed?

A: SDG&E has an obligation to provide safe and reliable energy service for its customers.  The fundamental purpose of this proposed project is to enhance safety, improve energy reliability and operational flexibility so that we can continue to provide safe and reliable energy service. The San Diego region is essentially reliant on one natural gas transmission pipeline, which provides approximately 90 percent of SDG&E’s natural gas capacity.  We are not aware of any other major metropolitan area that is so dependent on a single pipeline.  The remaining 10 percent is delivered by Pipeline 1600.

Pipeline 1600 was built in the 1940’s and by law must be “pressure tested” or replaced. Consistent with SDG&E’s CPUC-approved Pipeline Safety Enhancement Plan (PSEP), SDG&E is proposing to replace Pipeline 1600 with a new pipeline instead of pressure testing it. Once the new pipeline is constructed, SDG&E would then lower the operating pressure of Pipeline 1600 and convert it to distribution use.  This would avoid the costs and customer impacts of pressure testing Pipeline 1600 while helping to further validate the safety of the existing pipeline. 

Q: What will SDG&E do to ensure the proposed pipeline is safe?

A: SDG&E is committed to the safety of its customers, employees and the public. The proposed pipeline will be engineered, constructed, tested and monitored to meet, and in many cases, exceed federal and state safety requirements.

Q: How will this affect landowners?

A: SDG&E worked to select a pipeline route with limited impacts to private properties, which is why approximately 97 percent of the proposed route is located within existing streets or under land owned by other public agencies. Where necessary, we will work with private landowners and follow the applicable legal process to acquire any additional land rights that may be needed for the construction, operation and maintenance of the pipeline. This includes temporary rights that may be necessary only during construction.

Q: What happens next?

A: The proposed project must undergo a thorough review by multiple state and federal agencies. The California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) will conduct a full environmental review under the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA).

Q: Who should I contact if I have any questions or for more information?

A: Please visit the CPUC's website or call us at (844) 873-7417 or email us at pipeline-project@sdge.com.


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