2017 Renewable Auction Mechanism VII Solicitation

Latest News & Update

Respondents are encouraged to check this Request for Offers (“RFO” or the solicitation) Website periodically for updates, notices, and postings. SDG&E, at its sole discretion, and pursuant to orders from the CPUC, may change the terms, requirements and schedule of this solicitation. Respondents should monitor the RFO Website for announcements regarding any updates or changes including posted questions & answers. SDG&E will post all solicitation announcements, including scheduling changes or RFO amendments to this website. In particular, participants should check the RFO website for details on the pre-bid conference call and posting of answers to submitted questions.

  • 08/29/17 - Per the RAM VII RFO protocol, SDG&E will not shortlist any bidders until SDG&E’s pending Petition for Modification and Application for Modification are resolved.  The CPUC released a proposed decision (PD) on SDG&E’s PFM, however this process is not yet complete.  The PD is expected to be heard at the 9/28/17 CPUC meeting. SDG&E will update this Notice when the PFM and AFM are resolved by the CPUC.
  • 06/29/2017 -  The FAQ document has been updated
  • 06/26/2017 -  All Q&A received to date have been answered
  • 06/20/2017 – The FAQ document has been created with the first set of questions and answers
  • 06/16/2017 - The bidder's conference slides and recording are now available
  • 06/02/2017 – Scheduled Launch

SDG&E’s 2017 RFO Seeking Renewable Power Purchase Agreements

San Diego Gas & Electric Company (“SDG&E”) is issuing this Renewable Auction Mechanism (“RAM”) solicitation pursuant to the California Public Utilities Commission (“CPUC”) direction in Resolution E-4783, that SDG&E hold a RAM VII solicitation.  On October 27, 2016, SDG&E filed two legal challenges, an Application for Modification (“AFM”) and a Petition for Modification (“PFM”), with the CPUC seeking to terminate further procurement obligations under the RAM program.  SDG&E will not shortlist any bids until such time as the CPUC has ruled on SDG&E’s pending AFM and PFM.  Additionally, if the CPUC grants SDG&E’s AFM and/or PFM, SDG&E reserves its right not to procure from the bids received in this RFO.  Alternatively, if the CPUC denies SDG&E’s AFM and/or PFM and directs procurement from bids received in this RFO, SDG&E will move forward with the shortlisting of bids.  The RAM program was created by Decision D.10-12-048 and revised by D.14-11-042 (together the RAM Decision), which sets the program parameters.

The RAM Decision requires that this solicitation be for Renewables Portfolio Standard (“RPS”) eligible resources located in the California Independent System Operator (“CAISO”) control area, including resources dynamically transferred into the CAISO.  SDG&E invites projects of all sizes above 0.5 MW ac to participate, noting that its RAM program capacity target is 107.3 MW.  All projects at a minimum require a Phase II interconnection study, or for dynamically transferred projects, an equivalent study level from the governing balancing authority (“BA”). Bids will be evaluated with SDG&E’s Net Market Value (“NMV”) Least-Cost Best-Fit (“LCBF”) methodology.

For additional details please refer to the RAM VII Solicitation Protocol.

Solicitation Protocols:

Details regarding the solicitation process and eligibility requirements are provided in the RFO document RAM VII Protocol Document.

Required Forms and Documents:

  1. Offer Form - There is no limit on the number of Forms that can be submitted. Therefore, respondents are encouraged, to submit additional offers for consideration, such as offers with shorter tenors or with escalators.
  2. Interconnection Agreement or Phase II Interconnection Study (or distribution level equivalent) and / or Fast Track Documentation - Submit a copy of the most recent completed interconnection agreement, Phase II interconnection study or equivalent Fast Track documentation.  For Projects dynamically transferred via pseudo-tie into the CAISO, submit copies of a completed Phase II interconnection study (or BA equivalent) and provide documentation certifying the existence of the dynamic transfer arrangements.
  3. Site Control Documentation - Submit copies of site control documents demonstrating: a) direct ownership; b) a lease; or c) an option to lease or purchase upon PPA approval (must be an exclusive option to the Bidder that will last until the completion of the RFO cycle).
  4. Site Maps - Submit copies of all project maps showing location, facilities, layout, Interconnection, etc. and the Project single line diagram.
  5. Resource Report - please submit a verifiable fuel resource plan describing how and why the respondent believes the natural resource for the project will produce as expected. For example, for solar and wind, developers will typically use temporary onsite equipment to take measurements and then calibrate those to long term satellite data. Programs such as PVSyst or OpenWind may then be used to calculate the radiation at the panel or wind turbine. Biogas, biomass, and geothermal projects generally perform similar studies. SDG&E prefers these reports come from a recognized third party company who specializes in these matters. Since energy deliveries from RPS projects are used for planning purposes, it is imperative that SDG&E has confidence that production estimates are accurate. This report is part of SDG&E’s qualitative evaluation of the project and its viability and ability to deliver as expected.
  6. Full PVSyst Model (Solar Only) - the full PVSyst file must be submitted by exporting the entire project that contains the prj, met, inv, pan, etc. files as a .zip file. Please don’t submit a pdf.

Reference Forms and Documents:

This solicitation employs a non-modifiable Power Purchase Agreement (“PPA”) structure.  These documents are pre-approved by the CPUC and may not be changed by either SDG&E or the winning bidder(s).  Only the blanks may be filled in with project specific information.  All respondents should submit bids per the terms of these agreements only.  Please do not submit a bid with the hopes that the non-modifiable PPA will be changed.  

RFO Response Instructions:

A Respondent must submit their offer electronically via PowerAdvocate®, and attach all required forms and bid materials to the offer.  All offers must be uploaded to PowerAdvocate® no later than 12:00 p.m., Pacific Time, on June 30, 2017.  Offerors intending to submit an Offer but who do not yet have an existing account must first register to create a username/password to receive access to the event. The PowerAdvocate® solicitation website can be accessed at:


RFO Communication

All questions or other communications regarding this RFO should be submitted via e-mail to RAMSolicitation@sdge.com. You MUST CC the Independent Evaluator, Harold Judd hjudd@acciongroup.com. SDG&E will not accept questions or comments in any other form, except at the bidder’s Conference.  Questions submitted after the deadline as specified in RFO Schedule will only be answered at the sole discretion of SDG&E or the IE.  All questions and their answers will be posted publicly on this website anonymously after receipt.  Respondents are encouraged to check this RFO Website periodically for updates, notices, and postings.

Bidder’s Conference

SDG&E will hold one bidder’s conference via web conference.  Participation in the conference call is not mandatory for those ultimately submitting a proposal.

When: June 13, 2017
Time: 1:30 PM - 3:30 PM PPT
Audience link:  https://engage.vevent.com/rt/sandiegogasandelectriccompany~061317
Toll-Free Dial-in: 855-851-0422
Conference ID: 6902249837

Pre-bid web conference presentation

The audio of the bidder’s conference will be posted as soon as possible after the conference.  To access this, use the original event link.

​2017 RAM VII Schedule

The following schedule and deadlines apply to this RFO.  SDG&E reserves the right to revise this schedule at any time and in SDG&E’s sole discretion.  Respondents are responsible for monitoring the RFO Website for updated schedules and possible amendments to the RFO or the solicitation process.  For a detailed schedule, please see the protocols for each product type.





RFO Issued

June 2, 2017


Bidder’s Conference

June 13, 2017



June 22, 2017


Answers to all questions will be posted on SDG&E’s website

June 26, 2017


Offers must be uploaded to PowerAdvocate® by no    later than 12 P.M. (NOON PPT).

June 30, 2017



The later of August 25, 2017, or 21 days’ post resolution of SDG&E’s AFM and PFM


a) Withdrawal from SDG&E’s solicitation; OR
b) Acceptance of standing as a winning bid; withdrawal from participating in any other solicitation and evidence of withdrawal notice to all other solicitors

The later of September 1, 2017, or 7 days after step 6


SDG&E issues appreciation notices to unsuccessful Respondents

The later of September 22, 2017, or 21 days after step 7


Execute PPs

The later of September 22, 2017, or 21 days after step 7


SDG&E submits Tier 2 Advice Letter with PPAs to CPUC for approval

Approximately October 20, 2017


Anticipated CPUC approval (prior to any appeal and/or suspension)

Approximately December 14, 2017

Participation from Diverse Business Enterprises

SDG&E encourages Diverse Business Enterprises (“DBEs”), “Women-Owned Businesses” or “Minority-Owned Businesses” or “Disabled Veteran Business Enterprises” as defined in G.O. 156[1], to participate in this RFO. 

Furthermore, SDG&E encourages developers to utilize DBEs during various stages of project development and construction. As a part of G.O. 156, SDG&E will require developers to identify and verify their DBE contractor/subcontractor spending if any.

Additional information on SDG&E’s DBE program and utilizing DBEs can be found at:



SDG&E’s DBE Program representatives will provide a presentation during the bidders’ outreach event.  DBEs can request additional information by contacting SDG&E at vendorrelations@sdge.com.

Frequently Asked Questions

581.00 KB
RAM VII Protocol Document
RAM VII Protocol Document
459.94 KB
Offer Form
Offer Form
243.17 KB
RAM Power Purchase Agreement
RAM Power Purchase Agreement
809.80 KB
Pre-bid web conference presentation
Pre-bid web conference presentation
377.51 KB
Frequently Asked Questions
Frequently Asked Questions